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Our local partners

Pratyusha Financial Services
Vidyut Bihar, Sundargarh Sundargarh, India
Pratyusha Financial Services: Leading the way in financial inclusion and economic growth as a loan provider Direct Selling Agent (DSA), and renowned Debt Collection Agency in Sundargarh. We're your trusted partner for personalized loan and insurance solutions across India.
Deftly recovering corporate debts with a 95% success rate, MAARUTI SERVICES, a Debt Collection Agency in Vadodara, implements versatile communication strategies for amicable resolutions. Providing steadfast solutions since 2023, we ensure financial disputes are easily settled.
Lex Protector LLP
Plot No 110 A, Daruthenga, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 751024
We are an IPR Law Firm specialised in Trademark, Patent , Copyright and Online IP Enforcement.
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Debitura has provided us with strong support in securing an excellent attorney to manage our debt collections in Hyderabad at an economical cost. The system functions amazingly well, increasing overall transparency within the market.
Shyamala Prasad - business owner in Hyderabad
5-star user rating5-star user rating5-star user rating5-star user rating5-star user rating
Working with Debitura has been a great advantage for us, as it enabled us to quickly connect with an experienced collection service provider that is familiar with the specific laws and regulations in different areas of India.
Nitya Bajpai - business owner in Hyderabad
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How to collect an unpaid invoice from a debtor in Hyderabad?

Are you in pursuit of reclaiming what is owed to you in Hyderabad, India? This guide will provide you with all the information you need to know regarding debt collection in the city. If you need to find an expert debt collection agency or lawyer to assist you, take advantage of our free service that provides you with three free quotes within 48 hours simply by filling out our form.

Overview of the debt collection process in Hyderabad

Before starting a debt collection case in Hyderabad, we conduct a thorough analysis of the case and craft a collection strategy specific to our clients’ needs. This attention to detail allows for the greatest chances of a successful recovery, regardless of the size of the claim, type of debtor, or any other circumstances.

The image below explains our standard framework for collecting debt in Hyderabad:

Step 1: Find a local collection agency or attorney

You can quickly submit your case on Debitura, and obtain 3 proposals from nearby debt recovery organisations in Hyderabad who are eager to lend a helping hand.

Step 2: Pre-legal collections

The process of recovering your debt could start with Debitura sending out friendly reminders via email, text, physical mail and other available channels in Hyderabad. This is done in order to prompt the debtor to respond, settle the debt and or set up a regular payment plan. No worry about the cost since we guarantee zero expenditure should the amicable collection procedure not bring the desired result.

Step 3: Evaluation:

If you have not received payment after following the procedure before legal action, it is essential to evaluate what should come next. This will be done by looking at the amount you are owed, the likelihood of the debtor paying, and the rules and regulations regarding the matter in Hyderabad. Three typical methods for proceeding are available in India.

Step A: Surveillance:

If the amount owed is under 5000$, it is usually not cost-effective to pursue further legal action. In that case, we suggest continuous pursuit of the debtor, with the goal of reaching an agreeable solution. This is a way of managing the debt before any legal proceedings are initiated. If any changes arise, we advise on the best course of action.

Step B: Legal collections:

If the amount of your claim is more significant, we suggest beginning a legal process after the pre-legal case is complete. Usually, the cutoff is $5,000, but that depends on the debtor's ability to pay and other aspects of your particular claim. The nature of the legal collection issued depends on if the debtor has responded to the pre-legal communication, or chosen to ignore it. Reasonable costs for minor claims are typically cheaper than more intricate cases. The legal proceedings typically span 12 to 18 months, and you should anticipate that you may need to pay a fee for legal costs. When picking an attorney, solicit quotations from various debt collection attorneys in Hyderabad and assess the services against the fee to make a choice.

Step C: Debt enforcement:

If you have been acknowledged by the debtor or have a court order, you may enforce your claim through the court of the bailiff. This process typically takes 12 to 18 months in Hyderabad, and you would be subject to paying fees to the court, as well as to your debt collection lawyer, the amount of which depend on the size of your claim. To get a precise estimate of such fees, upload your claim to Debitura.

Cost of debt collection in Hyderabad

Average success fee for pre-legal debt collection in Hyderabad

The success fee for recovering a debt through amicable collections in Hyderabad can vary based on the size of the claim. Generally, a fee is only payable if the debt is recovered successfully. The success fee will be calculated according to the size of the claim.

Size of your claimSuccess fee
< 1000$27,5%

Hourly rate for legal-debt collection services in Hyderabad

When engaging in debt collection in Hyderabad, there are various costs to consider. Certain fees are payable to the court based on the scope of the claim. In addition, an attorney's fee is usually charged on an hourly basis. This cost is dependent on the complexity of the case and varies from attorney to attorney. A chart of the average hourly rates of debt collection attorneys in Hyderabad is provided below.

hourly rateCategory
< 100$Very low cost
150$Low cost
225$Medium high cost
> 275$High cost

Hyderabad city risk profile

We have examined Hyderabad's critical financial data and extrapolated a risk assessment. You can use this analysis to assess your payment terms and manage your risk when doing business with customers in Hyderabad.

Low risk
Medium-low risk
Medium risk
Medium-high risk
High risk

Our analysis concludes that the risk of running a business in Hyderabad is medium-low.
Based on this medium-low score, we recommend being careful providing credit and considering charging upfront payment or using credit insurance when trading if you don't know the customer in Hyderabad well. If possible, provide a short credit period or even better upfront payment.

The medium-low risk score is based on the following factors:

Economic Risk:
Business Risk:
Political Risk:
Commercial Risk:
Financing Risk:
Economic risk in Hyderabad

India's economic risk score of 4 out of 6 is average compared to Asia. With a GDP of 3173.4 bn. USD (2021) and 8.95% GDP growth, India is considered to have a large economy, ranking 7th out of 183 countries. Additionally, its GDP per capita of 2277 USD (131st out of 183 countries) implies a low purchase power for citizens of India. In terms of monetary indicators, the inflation rate was 5.1% and business credit interest rate was 8.7%. Therefore, India has an economic risk score of medium-high.

Business risk in Hyderabad

Hyderabad, India is a medium-high business risk city, with an overall economic freedom index of 57 out of 100. Property rights index is a fairly low 59, while the business freedom index stands at 77 and the monetary index at 72.1. Results of the World Bank's Doing Business study indicate that the regulatory efficiency and market openness index are medium-high, pointing to a slightly higher business risk. However, the corruption index is low, at 48, counteracting the high risK and making Hyderabad a reasonably safe city for conducting business.

Political risk in Hyderabad

Hyderabad, India, is considered to have a medium political risk score of 3/6. This low score is largely due to the country's weak rule of law index, which is currently at -0.08 on a scale of -2.5 (weak) to 2.5 (strong). This suggests that it can be difficult to enforce contracts in India and it is often recommended to charge upfront payment instead. Additionally, indicators for control of corruption and political stability are both weak, and 17.89% of India’s GDP is considered to be a shadow economy. Consequently, proceeding with caution is advised when doing business in Hyderabad.

Commercial risk in Hyderabad

Hyderabad, in India, has a very low commercial risk score of 1/4. This is low compared to the average commercial risk across Asia. International trade and investment are the main contributing factors to the score. India's export of goods and services is 20.81% of its Gross Domestic Product, and has seen an annual growth rate of 21.07%. Imports of goods and services comprise 22.86% of India's GDP and there is a negative trade balance of -2.05%. India has a foreign exchange reserve of 638.48 billion US Dollars, meaning it imports more than it exports. Hyderabad offers great opportunities for international trading and foreign investment.

Financial risk in Hyderabad

The city of Hyderabad in India has a relatively low financing risk, with a score of 2 out of 4 and a credit information sharing index of 7. The interests rates in the private sector in Hyderabad is 8.7%. Creditors have a strong legal rights compared to other countries in Asia, with an index from 0 (weak) to 12 (strong) at 9. Although the real interest rate is -0.82%, creditors can still trust the banking system efficiency and stability in Hyderabad for deciding whether to do business with another party. Credit rating agencies can also be of great help in analyzing the creditworthiness of a counterparty.

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