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Our local partners

Pratyusha Financial Services
Vidyut Bihar, Sundargarh Sundargarh, India
Pratyusha Financial Services: Leading the way in financial inclusion and economic growth as a loan provider Direct Selling Agent (DSA), and renowned Debt Collection Agency in Sundargarh. We're your trusted partner for personalized loan and insurance solutions across India.
Deftly recovering corporate debts with a 95% success rate, MAARUTI SERVICES, a Debt Collection Agency in Vadodara, implements versatile communication strategies for amicable resolutions. Providing steadfast solutions since 2023, we ensure financial disputes are easily settled.
Lex Protector LLP
Plot No 110 A, Daruthenga, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 751024
We are an IPR Law Firm specialised in Trademark, Patent , Copyright and Online IP Enforcement.
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Debitura has helped us locate a tremendous debt collection lawyer in Kolkata at a superb rate. The program works amazingly and makes the entire process more clear-cut!
Roshan Kumar - business owner in Kolkata
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Using Debitura to connect with a debt collection partner was a great decision, as they are experienced in the regional practices in India.
Akshara Deshpande - business owner in Kolkata
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How to collect an unpaid invoice from a debtor in Kolkata?

Are you seeking to reclaim an outstanding debt in Kolkata, India? The following guide will provide continuous information on debt outstanding collection in Kolkata. If you require legal or professional advice, kindly complete and submit our form and be eligible to receive three complimentary quotes within 48 hours.

Overview of the debt collection process in Kolkata

When collecting debt in Kolkata, we take a personalized approach to recouping unpaid payments. We start with an assessment of the situation, taking into account the scale of the claim, the type of debtor, and other factors. After analyzing the specifics, we craft a tailored strategy to maximize our recovery rate. With our sophisticated approach, we consistently achieve the highest success rates in the area.

The image below explains our standard framework for collecting debt in Kolkata:

Step 1: Find a local collection agency or attorney

Send your claim to Debitura and you will be provided with 3 quotes from debt collection organizations in Kolkata who are able to support you.

Step 2: Pre-legal collections

We kickstart the process by making contact with your debtor through multiple channels including email, SMS, letter and more. All of this is done to try to get the outstanding balance acknowledged and paid, or an agreement on installments made. If you agree to work with us and Debitura successfully recovers the debt, you only pay an affordable success fee for the service.

Step 3: Evaluation:

If you have gone through all the pre-legal measures for collecting your debt but have still not been paid what is owed to you, it is time to analyze your options. We will assess the magnitude of your claim, the odds of receiving payment and the legal restrictions in Kolkata to aid you in making the wisest decision concerning the next action. There are three regular possibilities open in India:

Step A: Surveillance:

If your claim is less than 5000$, it may not be worth it to take legal action. We suggest you try "debt surveillance" -- an on-going phase that occurs before going to court. We will contact your debtor several times in hopes of negotiating a fair arrangement. As things progress, we'll let you know what we recommend that you do.

Step B: Legal collections:

If your claim is substantial, we recommend beginning the legal procedure after the pre-legal phase. Generally, the cut-off point is five thousand dollars, contingent upon the debtor's ability to pay and other conditions. Nevertheless, the exact course of legal collections relies upon the specifics of the case, and whether the debtor has made a dispute or neglected to react to pre-legal communication. Smaller claims generally don't require as much effort in the legal field. A legal collection process usually requires 12 to 18 months to complete, and a fixed fee may be charged to cover legal expenses. To find an attorney in Kolkata who offers reasonable rates, you should ask around for quotes from several debt collection attorneys.

Step C: Debt enforcement:

If you have been acknowledged by the debtor or have a court order, you may go to the bailiff's court to enforce your claim. This is usually a lengthy process taking from 12 to 18 months in Kolkata. Additionally, you should be prepared to pay a fixed fee to the courts together with legal fees to your debt collection lawyer, which depends on the amount of your claim. For a precise cost estimation, you can use Debitura and upload your claim details.

Cost of debt collection in Kolkata

Average success fee for pre-legal debt collection in Kolkata

The cost of debt collection in Kolkata is typically determined by the size of your claim, and the stage of collection. A success fee is often charged by debt collectors if the debt is successfully recovered. Generally speaking, charges for amicable collections in Kolkata rise with the size of your claim.

Size of your claimSuccess fee
< 1000$27.5%

Hourly rate for legal-debt collection services in Kolkata

All legal costs incurred from debt collection in Kolkata will depend on a variety of factors. The fees that are paid to the courts will vary depending on the size of the debt claim. Additionally, the hourly rate and total cost of legal assistance from a debt collection agency or an attorney is based on how complex the dispute is and how many hours are needed for resolution. The average cost for an attorney’s debt collection services can vary, so it's best to check a table with the hourly rates of legal professionals.

hourly rateCategory
< 100$Very low cost
150$Low cost
225$Medium high cost
> 275$High cost

Kolkata city risk profile

We have examined Kolkata's critical financial data and extrapolated a risk assessment. You can use this analysis to assess your payment terms and manage your risk when doing business with customers in Kolkata.

Low risk
Medium-low risk
Medium risk
Medium-high risk
High risk

Our analysis concludes that the risk of running a business in Kolkata is medium-low.
Based on this medium-low score, we recommend being careful providing credit and considering charging upfront payment or using credit insurance when trading if you don't know the customer in Kolkata well. If possible, provide a short credit period or even better upfront payment.

The medium-low risk score is based on the following factors:

Economic Risk:
Business Risk:
Political Risk:
Commercial Risk:
Financing Risk:
Economic risk in Kolkata

India, the 7th largest economy in the world, is growing rapidly with an 8.95% increase in GDP and 2277 USD GDP per capita. However, the low per capita purchasing power relative to other countries indicates there is still considerable potential for development. In addition, inflation and interest rates are considered to be medium with 5.1% and 8.7%, respectively. These indicators suggest that economic risk in India is medium-high.

Business risk in Kolkata

Kolkata, India is considered to have a medium-high risk in terms of the business environment. The World Bank’s Doing Business study classifies India's business freedom score at 77 out of 100, indicating a decent level of risk in comparison to other countries in Asia. Additionally, India's property rights index is 59, which is lower than in many other countries in the region. The Indian economy is also experiencing an overall economic freedom index of 57 out of 100, influenced by factors such as the rule of law, regulatory aspects, and market openness.

Political risk in Kolkata

Kolkata, India is a city with a medium political risk score of 3/6. According to regional data, the rule of law index is at -0.08, an evaluation of agents' confidence in and abiding by the city's laws. Additionally, Kolkata suffers from weak control of corruption, political stability, and a considerably large shadow economy that is 17.89% of its GDP. These weaknesses attempt to undermine Kolkata's efforts of economic growth. When transacting business in Kolkata, it is recommended to charge upfront payment and avoid credits due to difficulty of enforcing contracts. Overall, Kolkata is somewhat of a hidden gem in India, with potential for growth, but with potential underlying risks that should not be overlooked.

Commercial risk in Kolkata

Kolkata, the city with low commercial risk, recently scored 1/4 on India's commercial risk score. Being rated lower than the average score in Asia, the economy of Kolkata is seen as an advantageous commercial landscape. A range of key factors play a role, supporting the low commercial risk score. Firstly, Kolkata holds a foreign exchange reserve of 638.48 bn. USD. The city also has a negative trade balance of -2.05% of GDP, meaning there is more imports of goods and services than exports. Conclusively, with 21.07% annual growth rate, imports of goods and services accounts for 22.86% of the GDP in Kolkata. Its low commercial risk score of 1/4 makes it an attractive commercial area.

Financial risk in Kolkata

Kolkata, India, presents an attractive opportunity for investors and creditors alike. The current financial risk is low, as indicated by a score of 2 out of 4. The secured legal rights of creditors and high accessibility and quality of credit information means that analyzing creditworthiness should be manageable. The credit information sharing index is an impressive 7 on a scale of 0 to 8. Being relatively high for Asian countries, it makes for a secure business climate and a real interest rate of -0.82%. The high interest rate in the private sector is notably 8.7%. This all culminates in a low risk and profitable opportunity for investors and creditors in Kolkata.

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